From Java to Scala: A Comparison Guide for Object-Oriented Developers


Scala is emerging as a popular JVM language touting both object-oriented and functional programming capabilities. Its concise and expressive syntax appeals to many Java developers seeking greater productivity.
However, as a Java developer looking to learn Scala, understanding the similarities and differences between the two languages is essential before diving in. This guide covers the key points to accelerate your Scala learning curve.
Table comparing object-oriented, functional programming, and static typing approaches between verbose Java and concise Scala
This table summarizes how Java and Scala differ in their approaches to key aspects like OOP, functional coding, and static typing using brief keyword descriptions of each language's style.

Object-oriented nature

Like Java, Scala is an object-oriented language that allows the construction of classes, objects, and methods. Developers with OOP experience in Java will find familiar paradigms for modeling real-world entities and behaviors.
For example, creating classes with fields, getters/setters, and constructors is quite straightforward for those coming from Java. Scala eliminates verbosity through concise syntax but retains the object-orientation core.

Functional Capabilities

In contrast to Java, Scala deeply incorporates both object-oriented and functional styles allowing developers to choose the best approach for each use case.
Key functional programming concepts like immutability, recursion, higher-order functions, and lazy evaluation integrate seamlessly into Scala enabling concurrency and parallelism.
This functional nature sets Scala apart from traditional Java requiring a shift in mindset. But the payoff can be cleaner code and easier concurrency.

Static typing

Scala retains Java’s statically-typed nature meaning variable types are still explicitly declared and checked at compile-time for type safety and performance.
This allows easy interoperability with Java APIs. But functional concepts like pattern matching and type inference further reduce verbosity while retaining static verification.

Scala runs on JVMs

A major advantage for Java developers is Scala’s seamless interoperability with Java since both target the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as runtime environments.
This means Scala can access the rich Java ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Legacy Java systems can also incrementally integrate Scala components.
Scala/Java interop further eases adoption allowing teams to get comfortable while leveraging existing investments.

Immutable by default

Scala’s functional influence shows in defaults favoring immutability, unlike Java’s mutable variables.
Constructor parameters are immutable values while vars allow mutability like Java fields.
Objects and collections trend immutable requiring explicit cloning for mutation. This immutability lends itself well to concurrency and parallelism.

Concise and expressive

Scala’s syntax minimizes verbosity. Multi-line code blocks in Java like if/else branches or for loops become one-liners in Scala saving lines of code.
It also provides default getter/setter generation allowing faster class creation. Scala excellently balances brevity and readability through significant whitespace.

Assemblage of features

Scala assembles an extensive mix of features spanning object orientation, functional programming, and everything in between.
This includes higher-kinded types, implicits, type inference, and powerful pattern matching. Such advanced features can overwhelm junior Scala developers initially.

Shallower learning curve

For simpler use cases like CRUD web applications, Java may prove easier to initially learn given OOP dominates. But Scala offers a gentler ramp-up for more complex reactive, distributed systems.
The functional capabilities, concise syntax, and theano help address intricate issues like scaling and concurrency effectively. Investing in Scala pays exponential dividends.


For Java developers, Scala offers impressive productivity gains through its synthesis of object orientation and functional styles on the trusted JVM. Mastering key syntactical, functional, and immutable distinctions unlocks next-level engineering capabilities not possible in Java alone. The steeper initial investment in Scala skills pays sustainable dividends over time.
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