IoT Security Best Practices: Mitigating Connected Device Cyber Risks in 2024

Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) devices constitute growing cyberattack vectors lacking adequate security controls exposing organizati...

MAKB 5 Jan, 2024

C23: A Sneak Peek at the Future of C Code

Introduction The upcoming C23 programming language standard brings exciting new capabilities and improvements for C developers. Better Integ...

MAKB 21 Jul, 2023

The Dark Side of AI: 20 Ways It Could Negatively Impact Our Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably revolutionized our lives, bringing about a multitude of positive transformations, ranging from b...

MAKB 1 Jul, 2023

Data Tools: Which One Should You Choose?

Introduction In today, data-driven world Data Analysis and Visualization Tools have been becoming more crucial for everybody attached to hu...

MAKB 20 May, 2023

Web Development in 2023: Trends, Technologies, and Future Prospects

As we know that the industry of web development is growing day by day with new emerging technologies, trends, and frameworks. The most impor...

MAKB 16 Apr, 2023 2